
Press release
Ice Lollies
Our company was created in 2016 by Marc Poggia who raises some sociological questions and has a will to break taboos.
We produce non-alcoholic vegan ice lollies in patented erotic shapes.
These branded products are made from healthy smoothie recipes and come in several flavours. We also add a nutritional aspect and value to our ice lollies, making it interesting for festival goers throughout summer.
We don’t just want a delicious ice lolly, we want something beautiful, full of life and to be a design object.
It starts off with the visual impact, the design can of course evoke all sorts of emotions. It can also change the way you perceive an individual just by being placed in someone’s hand. Its physical shape communicates to all in a various amounts of ways.

Press release(Auf Deutsch)
Ice Lollies
Lusty Ice wurde von Marc Poggia 2016 auf der Basis von soziologischen Erkundungen gegründet und der Idee, gesellschaftliche Tabus zu brechen.
Wir produzieren alkoholfreies, veganes Eis am Stil in erotischen Formen. Unsere Produkte sind hochwertig und basieren auf geschmacksvielfältigen, gesunden Smoothie-Rezepten.
Wir wollen das Interesse erschöpfter Festival- und Openairteilnehmer an unseren Produkten wecken und ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, im heißen Sommer Energie zu tanken.
Wir wollen nicht nur leckeres Eis am Stiel anbieten, sondern ein designästhetisches, lebendiges Produkt.
Der visuelle Eindruck unserer Formen soll eine Vielfalt an Emotionen, Reaktionen und Kommunikationen auslösen, offline und online. Unsere Produkte sollen lustig sein, aber auch ein wenig provozieren und Stereotypen hinterfragen.
Jeder soll beim Genuss von Lusty Ice an die unendliche Vielfalt der Liebe denken.
Press release
The Markets
Having started a Qweer, Sex positive and feminist small business with the ice lollies, we decided it was best to create a safer space to sell. In a more and more prudish world, selling to your community and to people who understand your philosophy and product is important.
We started off with the Naughty Xmas Market in 2017, collecting all our friends from the Kink, Clubbing and Sexual Educational scene together. With our first event at Urban Spree 2017 , we then expanded to X-Lane in 2018 (as a collaboration with Fleisches Lust Festival), in 2019 we popped up in Greissmuhle. During the pandemic we took a break and then re-opened in 2021 at Alte Münze. We curate our Naughty Market event with the type of stands we accept, the shows, DJs, workshops and the exhibition.
The Qweer Market started in 2019 at Alte Münze. Just like the Naughty Market, we started off as a winter event. Firstly, we brought as many entrepreneurs and artists from our friend group to the event. After that word of mouth has made our event a beautiful mix of LGBTQI+ (and friend) entrepreneurs. Though this event we have managed through donation based entrance to send hundreds of euros to Lambda Warsaw (a non-for-profit in Poland battling the LGBT-free zones). We also give 40% of the sales of the queer exhibition to non-for-profit organisations (60% goes to the artists themselves). So far, we have been hosting events at Sage Restaurant, RSO and Alte Münze.
Our events are now 3 times a year in Berlin: Spring, Summer and Winter versions.
The Luscious market started in 2021 (after having been cancelled due to Covid Regulations in 2020). We focused on feminist themes and encouraged sellers to identify with the topics of the Markets. 2021 was an educative event around the theme of the “Clitoris” with stands, workshops and art installations. We called it “Merry Clitsmas Market”. The 2022 event has a theme around “Menstruation”. Our drive for this event was to educate all genders and identities on the taboos of genitalia.